WebTruck Moving out

Weather Data Collection: Implementation

the last 6 hours | last 30 hours | last week

Hardware / wiring

The weather information is collected by a WS2308 / Matrix II weather station in Windisch.

This station uses a RS232 connection to deliver the data to a small linux server located in the basement.

Outside Sensors


The open source package open2300 by Kenneth Lavrsen collects data every 5 minutes and stores them in a log file.

Once per day min/max stats are collected and the statistics are reset on the WS2308.

The data is then transmitted to a server in Brugg using rsync over a OpenVPN tunnel.

In Brugg the data is processed in various ways:

  • stored into a MySQL Database
    • table for 5 minute records:
      time|temp inside|temp outdoors|dewpoint
      humidity inside|humidity outdoors
      wind speed|wind direction degrees|wind direction text|wind chill
      rain 1h|rain 24h|rain total

    • table for min/max values per day:
      Date|Temp Min/Max Inside/Outside
      Humidity Min/Max Inside/Outside
      Wind Speed Min/Max
      Wind Chill Min/Max
      Time for all values above

  • stored into a rrd database
  • creation of graphs using rrdtools graph

Matrix II

Repairs Oct 2008