WebTruck Moving out



Hello !

New camera onboard

I bought a Aiptek pocket DV camera. This little 160g camera can record up to 200secs of video on the internal memory. After some playing around yesterday I took it for 2 flights today.

Wingo Porter with Aiptek pocket DV mouse over this plays video

the video above is just a short preview of the real thing
Video quality is ok, but the 3min time limit is a problem, since I cannot start the video when it's up in the air.

I was lucky to buy another camera, a Kodak mc3, wich uses compact flash memory. It will take a while until I have it in my hands (and on my plane), but then I will be able to record much longer videos.

Soon you will see shots from the places I always wanted to fly to, but because of restricted transmitter power (legally only 10mW) I was unable to fly that far with the video recording...

you can see more on the July page


Yesterday I dropped on a site that just mindboggled me.
Check out Cyber-Flyer - that guy has multiple 4W (four watts!!) video links on his helicopter, so he can fly it with video view only.
He had a server failure, and most of the video material is not available, but what I read there just was amazing!


the poll for the News format is still open - if you like or dislike html mails or just want to let me know what you think go to the >News Poll


some members have problems remembering their passwords. I have some remedies to cure the problem:
  • Request your password Your member name is
  • change your password to something you can remember in Preferences
  • after logging in you can store both password and login name in a cookie - you wont have to remember anymore, and your computer will login automagically Enable Autologin Form

Have a safe drive



PS: hope you did not have any inconvenience because of the audio...
PPS: if the right picture remained black, just move your mouse over it and you'll see a video - might take some time to load, as it is 357kB

:-) -->