WebTruck Moving out


[ before I tell you more about the house building process (which might not be as fascinating for you as it is for me) I want to tell you about the wireless cam and receiver I bought: ]

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I found this gadget on ebay, and it looked just incredibly useful - I have plans to put a camera on a RC plane.

I thought I will put the camera and video sender seen on http://www.webtruck.org/unimog/video_link_html? on the plane, but now I found a much smaller one:


To test how it works together with the RC control (interferences?) I put it on my RC car and then went for a drive in the yard. See video: http://www.webtruck.org/history/2003/may/wirelesscam/driving_html?

Unfortunately the plane is not ready yet, as I did not receive all the parts in the kit...


OK, back to the house: In my last email I wrote that the walls have been set up - within a day they put all the elements together. As I knew this was the day with the most action on the construction site, I added an second camera with a wide angle lense to capture a picture every 10 seconds ( 2mins on the 1st one).

You can see a preview of the video clip here http://www.webtruck.org/history/2003/may/setwallclip_html?

with just about 1/3 of the whole day.

To get the full picture you should get the complete video here (12MB, 8min 22s): http://www.webtruck.org/share/housecam/wide1.mpg?

I have been too busy to add the usual weekly video clip - if you want it let me know.


On to the BAD news:

I will be out of the office most of the time for the next 4 weeks - I have to do military service. This will be my last service in the swiss army - I have mixed feelings about it. This time I did not have anybody at hand to give instructions to keep all computers and services @ webtruck.org running - we'll see how it keeps up... If not I will be at home on weekends and I might drop in to fix things.

If you're willing to keep an eye on it while I'm away just let me know - I have a email address that goes straight to my cellular phone. I can do some administrative tasks using the Palm Pilot or the Jornada 720 connected throught the cellular phone.

Normally I dont announce it to everybody when I am gone, because some hooligans might try to break things while I am away, but recently I did not have any ill behaving users, so I do tell you in advance and I ask for patience if things dont work as smooth as they normally do.

Swiss army information site - I serve in a hospital unit http://www.vbs.admin.ch/internet/Heer/BALOG/e/asan/index.htm

Some impressions from my last services 1999 and 2001 http://www2.seiz.ch/spitabt73/?


When I set up the http://www.webtruck.org/memberpic/? folder, some members asked me about my picture - I added one I took 2 years ago in uniform - looking quite happy, as we were off duty in a garden restaurant :-)

OK, your turn to upload a picture...


I upgraded OfficeCam to the latest software release and moved it to the same computer that runs BoxCam - less systems to monitor while I am gone. If the weather is hot while I am gone, the room might overheat, so I am glad to have found a way to have one less on to serve webtruck.org. Now there are just 4 running in my office, plus the firewall system in the server room where there is no thermal problem :-) Why so many you might wonder?

in the office: - Parmesan.seiz.ch aka server.webtruck.org runs BoxCam and OfficeCam as well as the Office audio stream - Camembert.seiz.ch Zope server, picture storage, PassageCam (now streaming cartoon network) - Server.seiz.ch RemoteCam video, Phone Server, webtruck mail processing - Servy.seiz.ch controls both RemoteCam and WebTruck

in the server room: - Roth.seiz.ch aka www.webtruck.org firewall, proxy for all internal systems, mail server

and I almost forgot on the roof: - tracker.seiz.ch TrackCam, Track audio stream btw, I found a nice picture of the building: http://www.webtruck.org/cams/track/aerial_html? a bird view of the whole building


  1. lines of email... normally I write between 30 and 50 lines That was a bit long - hope it will keep you happy until I am back :-)
