WebTruck Moving out


the PassageCam is out of order. I don't know if I damaged the connection to it, or if the module gave up. I had no time yet to check this out.

Instead of having just a blank picture on http://www.webtruck.org/cams/passage/? I set up a TV channel. You can see Cartoon Network during the day and Turner Classic Movies during the night. I know, TV is not much fun when you get just 1 frame per second, but it is still better than nothing :-)

If you like it, I could also setup a possibility to change channels.

I will replace the computer that was www.webtruck.org until about half a year ago. I moved all the pages to the newish zope server, but some services, namely WebTruck and Unimog interaction, as well as picture archives are still on the old server. I also intend to move WebTruck and RemoteCam controls over to a linux system so I wont have to reboot on a regular basis.

This will take some time, and some of the services might be unavailable for short periods. I will try to put up notices on the pages related to those services.

OfficeCam http://www.webtruck.org/cams/office/? has had a warm welcome from quite some members - they like the additional live stream to look into the TruckBox - Another tilt/pan/zoom cam, although nobody wanted it in the poll (http://www.webtruck.org/poll/ :-) some also discovered the message boards I added to the OfficeCam and TrackCam - a feature that came with the new release of the trackpod software.

It also served quite well in tracking Unimog in the courtyard when it went for its first outside drive last week.

Feedback Some of the members reacted promptly on my last email - thank you all.

Others did not like the camouflage email and asked me to delete the membership - also a way to provide feedback :-)

one if the replies I received goes like this: > I don't know about why nobody else is using the member feedback, but I don't > use it because I have nothing to say. You have a great site and there isn't > anything I could say that would improve it. Figure ... > I love webtruck and I am glad you made it, it amazes me that I > can drive a little truck that is really sitting in some office, half a world > away! I like it when you post pictures that either you or another member > has made. I love the snowy ones from your vacation. Figure ... > Thanks again for all your hardwork and dedication to webtruck.

now that was music in my ears :-) except that I don't think there's anybody that has nothing to say - the internet is THE opportunity for all of us to share our thoughts and publish - free on WebTruck.org (new members, check out example in http://www.webtruck.org/Members/a/ )


PS: next time you find your way to webtruck.org, please notice the Reply link on the top right you find on many pages - you can add a comment on that very page, visible to all other users without further review from my side - a privilege for WebTruck Members