WebTruck Moving out

Flying near Gebenstorf and Brugg

Perfect conditions, 4 flights
First 2 flights in Gebenstorf (red circle), later 2 in Brugg, Schachen

Railway Brugg-Baden Rivers Reuss and Aare flying high Lauffohr Wasserschloss, Lauffohr Brugg Windisch, Brugg straight down Living and working gardens, sport field

On the second or third descend I noticed a serious problem: at higher speeds the elevator starts to oscillate at about 180Hz, the whole tail contruction vibrates - I have to change that paperclip servo saver to be more stiff (see pics tomorrow)
Nevertheless all flights were perfect.

The Servo for exposure moves when taking pictures. It can be shifted so far that the camera does not take pictures anymore.

On the last flight I had the camera pointing straight down.

Previous flight | Fix