WebTruck Moving out

Flying near Gebenstorf and Brugg

Perfect conditions, 5 flights
Unfortunately on 3 out of the 5 the camera did not take pics as reliably as I would have liked, so there are not too many pictures.

Flew in the morning near Gebenstorf, in the evening near Brugg

Airfields Wasserschloss Brugg from a distance Windisch, Kunz Areal first airfield, neat field size Kieswerk Brugg Brugg Bruggerberg Brugg Brugg railway Brugg Hallen- und Freibad Brugg Brugg Altenburg Brugg, Nigglistr Brugg Brugg turning in for landing

Plane worked fine - did 2 dead stick landings with no problems at all
The art of dead stick landing is to have the plane over the airfield when the power cuts off ;-)

Direct sunlight is fine to get crisp pictures away from the sun, but it makes it quite hard to cover 360 degrees reasonably

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