WebTruck Moving out


WebTruck.org: Cybermaster with wide angle and double live stream

WebTruck News

you are


seeing hardly anybody drove Cybermaster I have 2 choices:

  • dump it
  • improve it
I chose the second and added a new lense to the cybermaster. It is a wide angle lense so you can see around very well.

As I was switching quite a lot from the Cybermaster onboard cam to the CeilingView,
I added a new page where you can see both live streams on one page

remember - for the first move you have to set all 3 parameters - left speed, right speed and duration
your latest move will then always be default for your next move, so to repeat just hit Drive


Now its your turn - if you show any interrest in this vehicle it will stay (for a while), if not I will save the current it uses for more usefull purposes.

Speaking of usefull - the crane is slowly taking shape. This week I started to build the circuitry to connect the crane to my webserver. I have to add sensors to the crane because right now there is only audible feedback for crane end positions..











almost forgot - went for a nice flight (flying) yesterday on a surprisingly sunny afternoon. My wife came with me and took some video shots of the plane and pictures with the FinePix F402, the habsburg castle again. This time I caught it in sunny weather and centered.