WebTruck Moving out


WebTruck.org: you can get it if you want it

WebTruck News

you are

Your directory

This email goes to the ~150 truck drivers who signed up since July this year.

When you signed up with this site, you received serveral privileges over an anonymous user.

Once you are logged in you can access special features and change your stuff.

Let me point you to some features:


just upload any picture, whatever crossed your desktop
these pictures will be visible to anonymous users and are usually heavily indexed by google, so this is a good point for you to get attention to your

Home directory

I provide free webspace for you.
You have a directory on the server, where you can write text and upload files.
Your directory contains a file named index_html Edit this file or add other content to your folder
Remember, you need to publish your content, otherwise it will only be visible to you.

once you have trimmed your virtual personality at webtruck.org, you go to Preferences to change your status to Listed, and your Home directory will be listed in the Member directory

some drivers do it the other way round - first get listed, then forget to fix their index_html -> lame member directory. If you dont provide at least some information, please don't set yourself as listed

See how sample user a is set up.

If you encounter problems editing or uploading your content just ask for help


done, your turn ;-)

