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WebTruck.org: Logo Poll - choose your favourite

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Logo Contest Poll

have a look at the submitted logos and then go vote - one man one vote

Wingo out of order

I had some great flying on july 30th.

There was absolutely no wind, and the Wingo flew well at low throttle carrying the cam around in wide circles

I brought up the nikon twice and had good flying time with all batteries.
My pictures of the castle are not very good - I have to go closer to the castle to see better where in relation to the castle (and the wind) the plane is.

I went back home with everything in perfect condition.

July 30th 7:30am
details about flights July 30th

Later on the same day I was less lucky and broke aluminium once more lunch time

this was fixed by the 31th, but no time to fly.

August 1st, about everything went wrong
on the second flight, after a perfect first flight the plane suddenly went into a steep dive and I was not able to do anything.
This flight with 7 cells was meant to produce a video with the Aiptek...