WebTruck Moving out


WebTruck.org: Nikon CoolPix up in the air


I am glad you read your mail, ! Hope you think it's worth it.

Flying over my house

last Saturday I took the Aiptek pocket DV for a flight near my house.
It was quite a challenge to fly around a small airfield - it looked big as long as the plane was in my hands, but once it was up there and I tried to land there was almost no space :-)

the picture shows the flight path, starting in red and landing in gray. Click on it for a bigger version.

and here's a small (< 1MB, 160x120, 1min 46sec) preview of the flight video:
wait until the video is loaded
As the cam was pointing to the black RC when I started the video, all the video was overexposed - stupid cam....

There's also a small size (2.8MB 160x120 10fps) medium size (6.3MB 320x240 10fps) and a big size with sound version (11.8MB 320x240) - all these versions are > 3 minutes long

As soon as the plane was in the air noising about the place, people came to see. After the landing with the camera I took the plane for some flying around at low altitude showing off on the crowd.
I anticipated some incidence, but when I landed on top of a lantern pole it was not what I expected...

Nevertheless it was fun and I plan to go there again as wind allows. Hope the people living along the street dont mind too much the engine noise...

more about Mondays flights

Nikon Coolpix 880 takes aerial shots

Encouraged by the flights on Saturday I took the Nikon for a flight today. I need to improve the camera settings for flights, but since this is the first time the nikon was in the air I am quite happy with the results.

army parking lot

taking off for the second flight

This shot was taken in strong wind when I attempted to land after the 2nd flight with the camera

I wanted to take more shots like the one above, but the wind was really awful and I was just glad to land the plane and the camera safe and sound.
Had to land at almost full throttle...

I had a servo to take the pictures, overall I took about 100 pictures.
See the best ones

more about Saturdays flights

That's it for now - thank you for your time


PS: if you change your email address, dont forget to also change it here so you can get these news and retrieve your password :-)

:-) -->