WebTruck Moving out



before I go on to the subject, I just want to add a line I forgot last time.

I fixed the chat http://www.webtruck.org/chat/? If you're driving WebTruck and think its behaving weird, go to the chat and see if TruckBot reports movements by another driver. If you're lucky she/he is in the chat too, and you can agree on who should do the next move.

To get the wireless cam up in the air, I bought a RC plane type "Wingo Porter". It is supposed to carry up to 500g of load (more than enough for my nikon coolcam), but so far I have been unable to get it off the ground.

I am a complete beginner at this and it is therefore quite challenging for me. Let me know if you can help me out with some advice.

Of course I took some pictures, you can find them here: http://www.webtruck.org/history/2003/june/wingo/?

While I was at it, I wondered if anybody cared what I was doing with this plane - as I was doing web and robotic stuff so far, I might miss the target audience adding RC stuff to webtruck.

To find out, I added a poll with 4 questions - please go to http://www.webtruck.org/history/2003/june/rc_poll? and let me know what you think.


PS: As a member you can use free webspace @ webtruck.org. If you're a webtruck newbie and would like to edit your page(s), you can find the instructions here: http://www.webtruck.org/Members/a/HowToEditMyStuff?