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Zagi 400X

Before I got the Merlin I built the 400X. It is a great plane (flying wing) to fly as it is almost indestructible. I have not successfully flown the 400X without crashing it shortly after take off, because the 400X just to "hot" for me to control. So the Merlin was bought the following year due to frustration with the 400X. I do plan on flying the 400X once I gain more flight time with my other planes.

April 2006

I have been feeling pretty bold lately with my flying ability that I decided maybe it was time to bring the 400X out of mothballs. So I charged up one of the battery packs and I figured next time I go to the park I will take it out. I am pleased to say I got a nice long flight out of the battery pack. The 400X flew quite well, I was very surprised how well it handled and how easy it was to fly. I tried several loops, a couple of rolls and flew a inverted figure eight. All the experience I have gotten from past planes and the winter of playing with flight simulators really paid off. I walked off the field with a grin on my face and the 400X in one piece.

last updated: apr 11 06