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Das Little Stik

A small aerobatic flyer built from a kit. This was the third plane I built from a kit. There seem to be many versions of this type of design, though I haven't seen one this small since I built the kit.

A Midwest kit (title block)

March 2006

These pictures are long over due but here they are. Now I am just waiting for warmer weather to make its maiden flight.

Fall 2006

Took the plane to the field and got it into the air. I got in two flights after several failed take-off attempts. A combination of long grass and overheating motor prevent any future flight.

August 2008

I bought a new engine for the plane. The old engine didn't have enough power for grass fields. Still tinkering with fuel line and adjusting the center of gravity.

September 2010

I have been flying with the new engine for two years now and I have successfully flown over 50 flight with this plane. Photos were taken at the R/C field in late August.

last updated: Sep. 27 10